Suicide Forest

I found this article about a forest near Mount Fuji in Japan. Aokigahara Forest has been attracting many people who wish to get far away in order to kill themselves. Japan has a very high suicide rate. According to the article there were 2,645 suicides recorded in January 2009, a 15 percent increase from the 2,305 for January 2008. The slumping economy has been a major factor in the rise in suicides.

I have noticed that countries with high suidice rates seem to be those that put a big emphasis on financial success. Japan and South Korea have many people attempting to kill themselves. Both of those cultures put a big emphasis on family and honour. They don't want to be shamed or lose face, so they would feel worthless if they can't keep up with that. Former communist countries like Lithuania, Russia, etc also have a high suicide rate. It could be that their culture is one of conformity, so if people don't feel like they "fit in" they don't feel useful.

I follow a blog written by an expatriate in Singapore. He has been writing about some suicides that happened in Singapore during this year. One was a doctor who didn't like his job that he was bonded to, and he killed himself because he didn' want to spend another 15 years at his job. He was only 27. Another man was a student whose scholarship was taken away from him. He tried to kill a professor and then jumped out a window. The professor survived. I do think that these people felt they couldn't measure up. The doctor wasn't allowed to make choices with his job either.

I do think that societies with lots of suicide need to change. First, they can put less of an emphasis on making money. It seems that in those countries, those most likely to kill themselves are those that come from a higher economic status. Second, it must be taught that failure isn't always a dead-end. When people fail, that doesn't mean they have failed at everything. Failures can bring on new opportunities.

I do think that suicide is self-centered. I don't understand why it can be considered honourable by some people. People's loved ones have to live without them. Some say that it's best to die with dignity. I know I have had my own despair, when things didn't work out the way I wanted them to. I just had to know that I can't put my self-worth on approval, money, and material possessions.


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