
Showing posts from June, 2010


Mr. James of Japanese McDonald's commercial fame being stupid as usual. He is a stereotypical "gaijin", or foreigner in Japan. Yes, he makes the typical westerner look ridiculous. The Japanese love him. I think the real gaijins of Japan want to club him like a baby seal in the Arctic.

Adolf Hitler 1/6 Occult History of the 3rd Reich (1)

Leaving Korea

It looks like I am leaving Korea soon. It may be indefinitely. I have no desire to stay at the job I am currently at and I haven't found another job. I haven't really liked this job anyways because high school is tough. I don't relate to the students or faculty well. I didn't like high school students much even when I was one myself. I don't know what to do. I should just go back to the USA near my family for a while and maybe take classes at my alma mater. I know I will miss Korea, but I also am tired and worn out and am in a big need of a break.