Animal Rescue Korea

I have been getting involved with "Animal Rescue Korea" (ARK) lately. I started with it last month. I do have some good things that happened with it, and some things that were not so good.
Well, for the good things, I placed a death-row shih tzu with a neighbor. I also had two malteses and a yorkshire terrier sent to the USA. One maltese is living with my sister and the other with a co-worker. I have two more malteses that will go out soon. I do feel good about saving those dogs.
On the sadder note, I took in a yorkie that I knew had one working lung. I figured I could just keep it for a while and then find a home for it. It eventually started falling over and having what appeared to be seizures. It is at the vet that works closely with the shelter. Thankfully he is doing a lot better now. I know he misses me a lot. I do have to find a place for him if he recovers.
I got a kitten last week and it has been sneezing. Thankfully it has been eating, drinking, and using the litter box. I brought it to the vet today for some medication and nebulizing. I do hope it will be fine.


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