Sabbaths in Korea

Last Sabbath I went to Sahmyook University. I saw Me'Chelle. She and I were roommates in Bucheon for 6 months. I have only seen her a little bit recently. I was already invited to have lunch at Peter and Wendy's so we couldn't spend the afternoon together. It's OK, we can do that another time. I had a good time having lunch with Peter, Wendy, Bernedette, Martin, and Violet.
The week before that I went to the Cheonho church. I met some nice people there. I met a young man from S.A. who was new to Korea. He said he wanted to go home. I told him that he just needs to get used to the place. Later he may not want to leave so soon. He said he wanted to meet other teachers, especially other South Africans. I said he should come over to Sahmyook sometime.
We later went to a park called "mi-sah-ree" park. It sounds like Misery Park. It is a place where they do boat racing. I had a nice walk with a lady from S.A. named Shirna. We all later went for Korean food. I had some jjol myun that was good. After that was some ice cream.


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