Obama wins the presidency

I went out and voted yesterday. While in line I was interviewed by a news reporter for the Norwich Bulletin. I just said why I went to vote. I said I felt it was my duty to vote because people fought for my right to do it. I wondered if it would be in print later on. Journalists don't use everything they gather.
I watched the election coverage until nearly midnight. At 11 pm, after some states already gave their winner predictions, the announcer said that the media felt it was safe to release the fact that Barack Obama would be the 44th president. He mentioned a line from the Declaration of Indepdence that was penned 232 years ago, that all men are created equal. The country hasn't always treated everybody equal. This is a historical event.
I didn't see too many differences between Obama and McCain. Yet, I do think that an Obama administration would make a bigger difference than with a McCain one. McCain would be a lot like G.W. Bush. I do hope that his presidency does make foreign relations better. I think Joe Biden was a good choice in a vice president because of his experience with foreign relations.
Yet, I do know that the future will be rocky, and I do know where things will eventually lead. I am not worried about the future. God has it in His hands and I know things will be all right.


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