My Mother's Birthday

My mother turned 62 years old on Monday.  She had to take my aunt to Willimantic to see the welfare office. My aunt has lost her health insurance and they had to settle things.  I stayed home. 
After a while I decided to take the dogs outside. I walked Benji.  After that I took out Max and Jack.  While I was going back up the street, Jack's leash snapped and he ran up the street.  Thankfully he went into the driveway and stayed out of the street.
When I got into my driveway, I tried to call Jack over to me.  He decided to run around the yard in the deep snow.  The snow is up to my knees. I tried walking toward him, but he kept running off.  I did get to walk on top of the snow, but sometimes I sank into it.  I decided to put Max in the house and when I did that, Benji ran out. I quickly grabbed him and put him back.
Jack decided he would run around the side of the house and the backyard. He wouldn't come.  The problem is that he isn't afraid of cars. I didn't want him to run into the road and get hit.  There is also a leash law. 
After about 45 minutes, he finally came to me.  I had to lay in the snow, and he came up and sniffed me.  I then grabbed his harness.
Unfortunately, I found out I had locked myself out of the house. The screen door had locked, yet the back door was open. I felt silly.  In my haste to bring Benji back in the house quickly I had locked myself out and not closed the inner door.
I tied Jack out and walked to Dunkin Donuts to sit and wait.  My mother finally came home, and read the note. I then told her what happened. I am glad I had a newspaper to read.  Our neighbor across the street helped us in with a crowbar.  The dogs were all barking at him.  The neighbor laughed. I was happy to be inside again.


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