Church Today

Before Sabbath School I helped people set up. I helped fold some bulletins and put the flowers in front of the pulpit. During Sabbath School we were talking about how many SDAs need to have friends of many different faiths. We also can't judge other SDAs by the things they do and don't do in their lifestyles. I do know all too well how the church can be so cruel. I grew up with lots of criticism from the church. My Adventist relatives from my father's side of the family shunned me. I like the church, yet I do wish I didn't deal with so much coldness throughout my life. Yet I have also found people that have been like family.

After the service Wendy asked me to collect hymnals for her, so I did that and picked up some papers I found on the floor. We were leaving together and she left me on the stairwell to quickly do something she forgot. I was waiting there and talked for a few minutes to a Zulu from South Africa who teaches at Konkuk University. He remembered me from last week when we met in the driveway. He is a friendly man with a powerful handshake. Later Wendy told me that he isn't SDA, but that he has been interested in the church. I think that's nice that he has found a church group that he seems to enjoy. I do hope that he finds lots of kindness here. So far it seems he has.

Peter and Wendy had a lunch with Peter's cell group. There were about a dozen or so students there. I recognised some of them from the Deer Mountain retreat. There was broccoli, pasta, and some savoury "meat". Some students brought cake. I washed the dishes for them while the others sang. I also collected trash.


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