Bookstore Buys
I went to Hoegi on Thursday. On the way home I realised that I didn't have my book with me. I was reading The User's Guide to the Brain by John Ratey. Today I retraced my steps and I retrieved my book. I brought Albert Einstein by Walter Isaacson to read on the way to Hoegi from Namyangju. I had left my brain science book in the restroom at the place I visited. I was happy to get my book back. A secretary held it for me. I got on the subway and started reading that one. I am glad I bought a backpack a few weeks ago. I went to the COEX Mall and headed straight for Bandi & Lunni's. I am such a nerd. I came out with four books: The Know-It-All by A.J. Jacobs, Wild Swans: Three Women of China" by Jung Chang, Uncle Tungsten by Oliver Sacks, and The Birth of Biopolitics: Lectures at the College de France, 1978-1979 by Michel Foucault. I also bought a baseball cap at an Adidas store. It's white with a black Adidas logo.