Suspense: Hush, Nobody, The Woman in the Window, Night Crawler, John Wick, Countdown
Hades Welcomes His Bride
While an undergraduate student at Andrews University I took a poetry class. I studied some of A.E. Stallings' poetry. She studied lots of classical poetry and literature of Greece. She does translation of poetry from Greek to English. An interesting thing she said was that when she was at university to study ancient, Greek poetry, she came across some poems that described early springtime flowers such as hyacinths blooming at the same time as later spring flowers. She interpreted that as a "golden age". She was later surprised when visiting the Greek countryside and finding those flowers blooming at the same time . She said that sometimes we do have to take things literally. This poem gave me the chills when I first read it. It is so deep and dark. Hades Welcomes His Bride Come now, child, adjust your eyes, for sight Is here a lesser sense. Here you must learn Directions through your fingertips and feet And map them in your mind. I think some shapes Will gradually...