Ellen White Copied from Larkin B. Coles

Counsels on Diet and Foods by Ellen White pages 178-179:
The less that condiments and desserts are placed upon our tables, the better it will be for all who partake of the food.  All mixed and complicated foods are injurous to the health of human beings. Dumb animals would never each such a mixture as is often placed in the human stomach...
The richness of food and complicated mixtures of food are health destroying.

Philosophy of Health by Larkin Coles 59-60:
Complicated food, especially that which is compounded with various kinds of condiments, is bad; such as very rich puddings, cake, and pastry of various sorts. Mince pies, wedding cake, and plum puddings, as they are generally made, should never be introduced into the human stomach--and the prohibition need never extend beyond the human stomach. For dumb animals could not be compelled to eat them.


Phoenix Adams said…
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Skryfblok said…
It is well known that she copied -- the interesting thing is what she copied and what she didn't copy. For instance, she lived in a time when tobacco was prescribed for respiratory ailments and other such nonsense. Yet she had this uncanny (inspired?) knack of only choosing the "correct" facts of the times.
Coles was a Millerite. He was against tobacco, coffee, teas, and promoted a vegetarian diet. It seems that a lot of White's information on health came from his book "The Philosophy of Health". Coles had it right before Ellen White did.
I do think it's great that Ellen White promoted such things. Yet, I have been confused at how much things were inspired and what was simply copied.
I used to think Ellen White was ahead of everyone else, that every idea on health she had came directly from God, and modern science is only catching up with her now.
Skryfblok said…
Inspiration, as we understand it, is not (or seldom) a verbatim "Word from God", but rather impressions by the Holy Spirit.

And I'm sure there are people that had it right before Coles did. Nobody has a monopoly on Truth. The function of a "prophet" is merely to guide us back towards earlier Truths that we lose along the way. How much "new Truth" are actually "inspired" or just "rediscovered" is an interesting question.

Sometimes I'd read something at it would have no special significance then another time I may read the same thing and suddenly it speaks to my heart or crystallizes a multitude of ideas in my mind. The information is the same, yet I want to describe the latter as a moment of inspiration ("truth") -- while the former was just dead facts.

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