31st birthday
Yesterday I turned thirty-one years old.
I spent a lot of the morning trying to fix the internet connection on the house computer. It didn't work. I was frustrated.
I went outside to take the dogs for a walk and I was pleased to see some daffodil bulbs coming out of the ground. The winter was extremely harsh and the snow was very high. My area had many roof collapses and driving was difficult due to the high snow banks on every corner.
I did want to go to a certain Mexican restaurant, but the restaurant has temporarily closed because of problems with its roof. My family decided to go to another Mexican restaurant in town, but the restaurant was closed because it was Monday. We decided to go to a pizza parlor instead. The pizza was very good, I shared a vegetable pizza with my mother. My sister and aunt both had salads and pasta.
At home I had chocolate and harlequin ice cream with a cake. The cake was nice, double-layer with real frosting and green/white jimmies on the side. There was green lettering on the top, saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTINE". Since my b-day is very close to St. Patrick's Day, I have had many green birthday cakes. That's fine because I like green.
I don't really "feel" 31. Well, maybe because so many other people my age already have children, homes, careers, and I have spent a good part of my adulthood living in Korea and have remained single. It's OK, not all those people with all those things are happy.
I spent a lot of the morning trying to fix the internet connection on the house computer. It didn't work. I was frustrated.
I went outside to take the dogs for a walk and I was pleased to see some daffodil bulbs coming out of the ground. The winter was extremely harsh and the snow was very high. My area had many roof collapses and driving was difficult due to the high snow banks on every corner.
I did want to go to a certain Mexican restaurant, but the restaurant has temporarily closed because of problems with its roof. My family decided to go to another Mexican restaurant in town, but the restaurant was closed because it was Monday. We decided to go to a pizza parlor instead. The pizza was very good, I shared a vegetable pizza with my mother. My sister and aunt both had salads and pasta.
At home I had chocolate and harlequin ice cream with a cake. The cake was nice, double-layer with real frosting and green/white jimmies on the side. There was green lettering on the top, saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTINE". Since my b-day is very close to St. Patrick's Day, I have had many green birthday cakes. That's fine because I like green.
I don't really "feel" 31. Well, maybe because so many other people my age already have children, homes, careers, and I have spent a good part of my adulthood living in Korea and have remained single. It's OK, not all those people with all those things are happy.
Hang in there. You are doing good.