Comments from CNN about Haiti's Cholera Epidemic

I am appalled at all the arrogance here.
To be quite honest. I'm tired of hearing about Haiti. I got my own problems. The country doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned.

  • godscock
    Haitian birth rate has gone up since the earth quake.

  • Guest
    Haiti has always been a mess. Haiti will always be a mess. Get over it.

  • Dan613
    OK, I am for donating, and I actually did. But the question still remains... how do we know how the money is being spent? Is there any way to know? We are talking about millions and millions here... well, maybe my question is sort of stupid anyways...

  • jokers1444
    Apparently Jamaica, Barbados, the Antilles, the Bahamas, Martinique, Curacao, the Dominican Republic, and other Caribbean nations don't have any natural disasters. Or they do and they are able to cope. How much money has the US been asked for from those countries?

  • Nobias1776
    Like spending tourism $ in those places, and they like getting the tourists and $ too.

  • Alucinanto
    "Who will supply clean drinking water? Who will make sure there are proper bathroom facilities? Who will dispose of the waste? Or for that matter, the dead bodies?" Etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum. These are the types of questions about which Zannini is thinking. What happens after all the Haitians get back on an even keel? Well, before long, there'll be another crisis — except, of course, that by then there'll be even more people in trouble. (Because all the people who were save will have bred another gazillion babies by then.) If sustainability isn't made an integral part of the equation, then Haiti is doomed! For that matter, without sustainability, the whole world is doomed. Think about it! less

  • zoosphere
    This seems very tragic. Probably, neighboring countries need to be prepared for the epidemic, and also the safety of aid workers in Haiti are concerned.

  • kittycat5

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