I saw a dog being neutered today. It was interesting. The dog was put under anesthesia and fell asleep. It was then quickly shaved and the veterinarian quickly put the scalpel to the dog's scrotum. He pulled something up and tossed it aside. Then he quickly started stitching the dog up. Again he quickly pulled something out and then started stitching the dog up. It was over very quickly, once the dog was under the knife it was less than twenty minutes. I didn't even know what I was seeing, I kept thinking "so when is the operation REALLY going to start?". It was done so quickly that I was surprised how fast it was. I got to see the dog's little sacs after they were pulled. They were so small.
I am appalled at how many pet owners won't get their animals fixed because they think it's cruel or too much of a big deal. It isn't. Yes, neutering and spaying is cruel, but the animal gets over it soon. It is much crueler that so many animals die in shelters because they can't get homes. So yes, SPAY AND NEUTER!!!
I am appalled at how many pet owners won't get their animals fixed because they think it's cruel or too much of a big deal. It isn't. Yes, neutering and spaying is cruel, but the animal gets over it soon. It is much crueler that so many animals die in shelters because they can't get homes. So yes, SPAY AND NEUTER!!!