Rescued pets
Well, I have some friends who volunteer at a pet shelter in the Seoul area. I was shocked to find out that many dogs and cats there are purebreds, and not just any purebreds, but the fancy kind that people spend lots of money on. Many are maltese, poodles, minature pinschers, shih tzus, and yorkies. There are persian and angora cats there.
My friend had a bunch of dogs pulled off "doggie death row" and has rehomed some of them. I am glad. Well, I got in on it and just had these pulled. I haven't met them yet and well, I have them up on the internet. I already got some response. I know my mother doesn't want any more dogs, her two are enough. Any more pets have to either be mine or I have to give them away.

My friend and I worked to get this dog pulled out. It had been beaten by someone, probably a drunk. It is a 4-month-old yorkie puppy. It had been at the shelter since March 9, and it finally got pulled out yesterday. I found that it was responsive when taken out of the shelter, and supposedly went through surgery today. It got sponsorship. Whoever beat that dog should be ashamed. Some people just make me so angry!!! >:(
My friend had a bunch of dogs pulled off "doggie death row" and has rehomed some of them. I am glad. Well, I got in on it and just had these pulled. I haven't met them yet and well, I have them up on the internet. I already got some response. I know my mother doesn't want any more dogs, her two are enough. Any more pets have to either be mine or I have to give them away.

My friend and I worked to get this dog pulled out. It had been beaten by someone, probably a drunk. It is a 4-month-old yorkie puppy. It had been at the shelter since March 9, and it finally got pulled out yesterday. I found that it was responsive when taken out of the shelter, and supposedly went through surgery today. It got sponsorship. Whoever beat that dog should be ashamed. Some people just make me so angry!!! >:(
It seems so senseless to go through the trouble and expense of getting a purebred pet and then neglecting/abandoning it. Neglecting any animal indeed. People are strange...