Work at the new school
I haven't begun formal work at the high school yet. I will start that on Monday. Today I knew that I would have to be at English Sabbath School at the school at 9:00 am. I didn't think anything bad of that. I knew already that I would be expected to help out there. I arrived a little bit early so I could find where the place was. It was in a classroom. Harry, a man from England, conducted the lesson. He said he had met me before, but I couldn't remember him. We had met a few years when I worked in Korea the first time. I then had to go to the chapel for the sermon held by the campus chaplain. Everything was in Korean, and my co-worker did some loose translating for me. Afterwards, I went to the staff room for a Bible lesson that was conducted entirely in Korean. He also did some translating. I felt perturbed. I knew about having to go to English sabbath school and that didn't bother me. I agreed to it. I was thinking of going to the English church at Sahmyook University afterwards. I didn't know that I would be expected to sit through a Korean service and then a Korean Bible study. I am not happy about that. I have made friends at the SYU church and I like hearing a sermon in my native tongue. I want to try to fight it, but I will have to accept if it they make me sit through it all the time.
I later went to the church at SYU because there was going to be a fellowship dinner. I also borrowed a suitcase from some friends from Australia. I wanted to return it, yet I didn't see them there. I left it with someone else. It wasn't a big deal to lug around since it was empty.
During dinner I saw with a couple. The man is a Zulu from South Africa and the wife is Korean. They just had a baby girl named Nicole Hwang-hee. Today was the first time I saw her. She was beautiful. I loved her wavy black hair. I had wondered what she would look like, since her father is very dark and her mother very light. She has tan skin. I am sure she will be a very adorable toddler when she has a full head of her nice wavy hair.
I later went home and took a nap. At 7:00 pm I went outside and took a walk up my narrow street. I then noticed a pathway. I decided to follow it and met with the campus chaplain and his wife. They were just leaving. The pastor said that there was a spring up there. I followed the pathway for a while, yet I didn't find a spring. I turned around because it was getting dark and the mosquitoes were out.
I later went to the church at SYU because there was going to be a fellowship dinner. I also borrowed a suitcase from some friends from Australia. I wanted to return it, yet I didn't see them there. I left it with someone else. It wasn't a big deal to lug around since it was empty.
During dinner I saw with a couple. The man is a Zulu from South Africa and the wife is Korean. They just had a baby girl named Nicole Hwang-hee. Today was the first time I saw her. She was beautiful. I loved her wavy black hair. I had wondered what she would look like, since her father is very dark and her mother very light. She has tan skin. I am sure she will be a very adorable toddler when she has a full head of her nice wavy hair.
I later went home and took a nap. At 7:00 pm I went outside and took a walk up my narrow street. I then noticed a pathway. I decided to follow it and met with the campus chaplain and his wife. They were just leaving. The pastor said that there was a spring up there. I followed the pathway for a while, yet I didn't find a spring. I turned around because it was getting dark and the mosquitoes were out.