When You Think You Want Something and Then Realize You Don't Want It After All
When I was in elementary and middle school, I was very baby-obsessed. I knew I wanted babies when I got older. I often thought about baby names. I preferred offbeat and unusual names, for I wanted my kids names to be unique. I daydreamed about my future family constantly. I found a baby name booklet that my mother had used when she named me. She and my father looked at my name at the same time and said it aloud at once. So, that's how my name came to be. I wish my mother had thrown that booklet out, but she was a hoarder. I read it and became obsessed with baby names. I marked up that book until it had to be thrown out. I would beg my mother to let me stay at the library when she went to her nurse's meetings, and I would then spend time looking at the baby name books. I can still remember their Dewey numbers of 929.9. I tried to hide this, standing in a corner of the library and sitting on the floor, writing down my favorite names. I also would write down all the name variation...