This has been a lousy year for the most part. First, 2016 took away many great celebrities: Prince, David Bowie, George Michael, Carrie Fisher, Leonard Cohen, and many others. Some of them were older people who were ready to go, such as Bobby Vee. Yet many of those weren't ready to go yet. Also, the drama of U.S. politics was terrible. I believe that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were terrible candidates, and I hate that out of the 300 million people living in the USA, that those two had to be picked to be the runners for the presidential race. Also, my sister got married to a complete weirdo, someone my mother and I didn't approve of. My sister and that guy hardly knew each other, were only seeing each other for 9 months, and even then spent most of their relationship in texting each other constantly. They didn't spend much time together in person, even though they lived in the same town. My sister took a temporary job in Maine that kept her away from the area fo...