Yesterday I moved to Guri-si. I like it. My new apartment has a few rooms in it. It's a basement apartment. I haven't lived in one of those before. I went there before noon. I then went shopping at an outdoor market that wasn't far away. I got some rice, side dishes of pepper leaves and perilla leaves. I also got some kimchi. What can I say, I am Korean! I also got some containers to put things in. I bought some black rice and some other type of grain that was tiny and black because it looked good. The apartment has a brand-new rice cooker. I had some heavy bags to carry back home. I spent some time straightening out the place and then I had to go to Kangnam for my now former roommate's birthday party dinner. I realised that I didn't have a present for her. I had just finished crocheting a hat. I started on it during campmeeting two weekends ago. I decided I should give it to her. I put it in a black plastic bag and left. I arrived ten minutes late, but she w...