
Beauty and ugliness are everywhere, even in some of the same things. To some a wide open prairie is empty and colorless, but to others it is uncluttered simplicity, the way life itself ought to look. --Indian Chief, 1796 A few days ago I came across this quote. I can relate to it very well. I grew up in Massachusetts, USA and I am used to having lots of hills and trees. There are mountains near where I grew up and I liked to see them. Flat land and anywhere without either lots of trees or tall buildings wasn't something I was used to and I felt that living in such a place would be boring. Last summer I took a train across the country to Montana. On the way there I saw lots of flat land. While in North Dakota I saw a beautiful sight--a large field of sunflowers. There were sunflowers as far as I could see. A person could get lost in them. I couldn't help but be impressed. When I later met my friend, she took me out in her van and she kept exclaiming how beautiful ...