I recently found this photo on a friend's Myspace page. Last year I went to Pi Day at Harvard University. It was one of the nerdiest things I have done. I like those things that are stereotypically nerdy anyway. I went with my sister and three friends. One of the friends, Shawn, was applying to study mathematics at Harvard. The event was held in the math department on March 14 (3/14) and at 3:14 pm. He wanted to compete in the pi recitation contest. The pi contest was held first. Just one student did the binary recitation. He recited a long sequence in 0s and 1s. He was very hyperactive, had his hair in a ponytail, and wore a tie-dyed T-shirt that said "Fermat's Last Theorem" on it. My friend eventually recited 360 places of pi. The winner, however, recited pi for 3,141 places. He sat for 45 minutes and recited it, sometimes slowly. He said he could see the numbers in his head. He often paused for a drink or to clear his head with a shake. His mother was...